appropriation statement meaning in Chinese
- An accounting statement is a system made up of balance sheet , income statement and profit appropriation statement , statement of cash flows and each of their appendixes . and these statements reflect a company ' s financial conditions from different angles , and at the same time , balance sheet , income statement and profit appropriation statement , and statement of cash flows constitute an organic entirety according to some logical relations
会计报表是由资产负债表、利润表及利润分配表、现金流量表以及各自的附表构成的一个报表体系,分别从各自不同的角度反映企业的经营成果和财务状况,同时,资产负债表、利润及利润分配表和现金流量表又因一定的逻辑关系而构成一个有机的整体。 - Accrual - basis , balance sheet reflects a company ' s financial conditions from inventory amount angle . income statement and profit appropriation statement reflect a company ' s financial conditions from current amoun t angle on accrual - basis . and statement of cash flows reflects factors affecting the ability of a company repay its maturity debts and its amount on cash - basis , that is to say , statement of cash flows changes profit on accrual - basis into actual profit on cash - basis ( cash or items equal to cash )
资产负债表以权责发生制为基础编制,从存量的角度反映企业的财务状况和经营成果;利润及利润分配表则以权责发生制编制基础,从动量的角度反映企业财务状况经营成果变动的原因;现金流量表又以收付实现制为编制基础,从动量的角度反映影响企业偿还到期债务的能力变动的具体因素及其影响数量,即现金流量表就是把以权责发生制为基础的利润调节成以收付实现制确认的现实的利润(现金及现金等价物) 。
Related Words
- appropriations
- appropriation expenditure
- appropriation act
- annual appropriation
- indeterminate appropriation
- capital appropriation
- appropriations reserve
- appropriation warrent
- appropriation money
- appropriation resolution
- appropriation section
- appropriation sections
- appropriation status report
- appropriation surplus